Quoted By:
>I've never seen a team lack Talonflame
>My team gets walled by Ferrothorn and Blissey
>And my move pool's kind of lame
>My base stats suck, or I lack recovery
>So everybody's like Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus and Breloom,
>Gengar, Goodra, Excadrill and Rotom
>We don't care, I'm just an Aurorus with Hyper Beam
>But every team's like Heatran, Scizor, Azumarill, Starmie,
>Latios, Pinsir, Genesect and Klefki
>We don't care, we'll just hang here with Dragonair
>And we'll never be OU (OU)
>Most of us are outclassed
>That kind of tier just ain't for us
>We can't take Volcarona's Bug Buzz
>Let me be be in NU (NU)
>You can call me Vespiquen
>Don't give me no boosts (no boosts, no boosts, no boosts)
>Let me stay with Butterfree