>>33030111>>33030126>It could be StarsStopped reading there. Holy fuck kid, you actually had me going there for a minute. Gen 8 is coming next year whether you like it or not.
https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/43yzpm/nintendo-explains-why-they-didnt-focus-on-indie-games-at-e3GF obviously started development, or conceptualizing at least in 2015 when the dev kits were being sent out. They have multiple teams working on different projects/gens. You even said it yourself. I cannot fucking fathom why you would think their core Pokemon introduction title(s) on the brand new Nintendo system would be anything BUT a new gen. Since you're going by patterns, its always fucking been like this. GSC isn't an exception either since the jump between the GB/GB color and the jump between 3DS and Switch are vastly different hardware and spec wise.
Summer was a fucking mistake