One of my favorite kinds of threads.
>>39280317You're that person who blasts music in their car at night, disturbing the peace in the neighborhood. Maybe a motor-cyclist.
>>39280320You're an honorable thief, and no one suspects a thing. Looking out for the down-trodden and less fortunate.
>>39280323Obsessed with cars.
>>39280330Most athletic of your social group.
>>39280344A docile, innocent sweetheart. This place doesn't deserve you.
>>39280384*Tips fedora*
You're excellent at chess and poker.
>>39280447Very familiar with Japanese culture, but not obsessed to the point of being a weeaboo. The same cannot be said for your friends; they're beyond salvation.
>>39280530You take photos of every meal and post them on social media.
>>39280577You were that 'emo kid' in high school, but are a cool person nonetheless. Works at an antique store. Hates corporate shills.
>>39280698You play things too safe. The rewards are worth the risks; take them!
>>39280766You've gained 20lb this year.