Sycamore places a hand on your shoulder as well as one on Miss Leading's, "Listen kids, I know the both of you mean well, and I know now that one day you'll be trainers that far surpass any rank anybody's ever been able to reach. But as for now, I'm not going to risk it. You're like growing chicks, you're still incubating in your containers, it'd be suicide if I sent you two out against their opposition. I'm afraid that until you get all eight of the Kalos region badges, sending you into their domain will be very, very risky. For now, let them be, let them run like little rabbits. Should you come across, say a grunt or two, yes, I recommend sending them packing. But never go against anyone of importance in their social hierarchy, they don't play around. I *know* they don't. I have experience with their kind, experience that I do not wish to carry."
A pause follows before Sycamore sighs and gives an attempt to lighten the mood, "Now that that's over and done with, I have something important to discuss..."
>What is Sycamore's dire, important news about?A) The bitching concept of Mega-Evolution.
B) The brand new Fairy-type.
C) A sweetass battle.