>>46492745There are four main schools of thought related to Mind Control. We know Hypno places people in a trance most similar to 2 (as seen in the anime), but years of experience browsing Hypno-related material leads be to believe there are many instances of 4 as well. The main relation between the two is that the victim is oblivious to the implications of her actions, which is an insight into the true nature of his power.
Regarding the trance, while it is supposedly true that people can't fall into one unless they want to, we have to keep in mind that the Hypno line is psychic. Through the anime, we see it employ the use of "Sleep Waves", which presumably brute-force an individual into a suggestible state. I'm not sure about the veracity of this in real-world practice, but this is a world of fantasy animals we're talking about.
So if we think of his brand of magic as " sleep-inducement-related", then one's degree of tolerance towards it would be proportional to how susceptible they are to falling asleep in the moment. The Mankey line, presumably, as well as any Pokemon posessing Vital Spirit, would be completely immune. Chugging a liter of coffee before it starts to Hypno-Wave you could also help, as well as pinching yourself or experiencing strong emotions to help mantain high brain activity.
As to what exactly the victims experience, or how they're able to carry out complex orders while unaware, that's up to the air and a different subject altogether.