>>39398210I hope it doesn't involve this picture. making the top transparent and superimposing it over the bottom show it to be identical. they made it into a different ball, added fog, and removed a pink filter or it just happens to be later at night. the shadow for the timer ball is also wrong, the crescent of shade under the red thing and the shine say the light is coming over something behind it half hidden by something like a hill, and the shadow points in the same direction as the source of light, not away. neither of those line up with the fact that both balls in the image have the same shine and shadow on the ball and both are in a solid shadow themselves with that line of brightness just behind.
there's even a part of the recent trailer where the mc is standing still as the camera quickpans around him and you can see his shadow suddenly grow a bright spot because the lightsource shone through the spot on his back that the bag refuses to touch while it hovers there. there are hundreds of problems like that thrown all over the stuff we've been shown so far. it really does add up to make things look bad. it's going to end up a mass effect andromeda situation, but I can only hope without all the game breaking bugs.