Quoted By:
>Is this a real thing?
Yes it is. Not necessarily a stupid question to ask with all the trolls around though.
>How long will this go on?
Distributions typically last until the thread hits the bump limit.
>I've been waiting a while/How long does this take?
There's not much of a line right now so it should only take a minute or two. The bot makes roughly one trade per minute. If you want to know your wait time you can check how many Hunters are ahead of you in the GTS by searching for Blitzles. The bot trades with the oldest deposited Hunter that matches the current giveaway parameters first.
>When is the next giveaway?
Maybe when the thread falls off the board, maybe over the weekend. It's up to the distributors when they want to dedicate some time and their 3ds.
>Here's my IGN.
Not needed. All trades are made by a bot. Simply deposit your Blitzle named Hunter as said in the OP and the bot will find it.
>I got a Dong/pokemon with only hyper beam and 0 IVs.
There are several enterprising individuals who have taken it upon themselves to distribute garbage in place of fun pokemon. Simple try again and the bot will get you eventually. Be sure to set your level wanted to 91+ to prevent random Japanese snipes.
>Why is my pokemon named Homer?
Homer is another distributor that frequents /vp/. He has been helping counteract the snipers by either running his own bot or making some manual trades.
>Can I get a <pokemon not listed>?
The trades are only made by a bot and it cannot deviate from the pokemon list. Vote in the polls or respond to them with recommendations for future polls.
>Can you giveaway <megastone>?
Megastones cannot be traded over GTS. Manual Link trading significantly more time and cannot be automated.
>Can you giveaway <mythical pokemon>?
Mythicals cannot be traded over GTS. Same problem as above. However, some injectors may be willing to trade some manually over the weekend. Stay tuned.
Happy Hunting. Or just inject lol