>>51163569You know for a long while I really didn't care for Palpitoad's design, but one day I built a NFE meme team using Ground-types with the intent of having a little fun. Palpitoad was one of the few mid-stages I had access to, so I built a rain sweeper with fucking Metronome as an item.
So I found another cool trainer who was game and he brought a FE team with pretty meme sets as well. I didn't expect much from Palpitoad and when I sent him out I didn't even have an opportunity to set up Rain Dance. I just kept clicking Muddy Water and I swept I think three mons on his entire team, including a Clefable which I hit for max damage and prevented from using Belly Drum. But Metronome resets after reaching max damage because its a shitty item and my Palpitoad was totally walled by his Kecleon. I had a lot of fun though and after that I think I adore his stupid wittle face. Yeah, I'm thinking Palpitoad is pretty based now.