ground/ghost>>38614995the vast majority of bands don't like defining what specific genre they fall under because they don't like constraining themselves. even if every album they make sounds like a neurosis ripoff, a band is more likely to just say "we make heavy music" than "yeah, we're an atmospheric sludge metal band". it comes from fans who want to find similar music. you could just call it rock, but the who are very different from cannibal corpse. if someone really likes the who and the beatles then it'd be useful for them to know they're both considered beat music so they can find bands like the move who weren't as popular, especially in america
it obviously comes from being overly familiar with a genre. I look at electronic music and its subgenres and most of the time have no idea what the hell is going on or what differences I'm supposed to be noticing, but I look at black metal with its atmospheric, depressive, orthodox, and raw subgenres and they make perfect sense to me.