>>37629901So here's the deal. Steven78 is/was a massive prototype collector/reseller of no particular brand/console in general. You can see a good portion on his youtube channel. I think he has completely retired at this point though. In 2015 he revealed the bulk of Pokemon "prototypes"/demos on NintendoAge. He obtained a few more later that are not pictured in that thread. From what I understand he doesn't own any of the pokemon carts anymore, luckyshop26 only purchased a fair portion of them, not all.
These were all various European "prototypes", which were localized from the American version which was already in stores. So it is safe to assume these carts are all either identical to retail, or edited into demos. Not worth the price luckyshop26 asks for these. These, from what I understand, were all obtained after a Nintendo HQ shut down in Germany, where many prototype content was liquidated. The same HQ is rumored to be the source of where all the ultra rare GBA pokemon distribution devices originally leaked to collectors, although also said maybe be connected to Bergsala distributors in Sweden, but this is another story.
The point of all this, the way these carts came about are pretty much unlikely to be connected in any way to the Spaceworld97 demo or the RGBY assets. These were likely either found by the original American localization team in the files they had received, or straight from someone closely involved in Japan.
So don't expect Steven78 to have any leads on this at all. It's theoretically possible when NoA sent NoE the localized English rom, they send the Japanese assets too (and assuming the proto assets were in the package). But to assume any physical cart of these RGBY assets exist is basically non-existent, if even any full rom exists outside of GF archives, if even that. Physical Spaceworld carts likely existed for the event itself, but I doubt the public leak had any relation to a physical cart.