>>57130333While I'm at it...
>ZapdosAlready good but just to be "fair" give it Lightning Rod. I don't think that breaks it, but gives it a fun alternative to stallier sets as something that can surprise pivot and gain momentum for the team. If we're insane, give it Thunderclap too
>MoltresI know this thing has a niche but let's just be fair to this one too. Just give it Flash Fire for flavor even if Flame Body is better, but also add Beak Blast to its level up set. Yeah, it's a signature move, but if there's another mon that it would make sense on I think this is the one. Moltres also has the most usable Attack of the three, so WTF not. Also, why the hell did they remove Burn Up from its move pool? Sometimes I hate Game Freak so fucking much and the way they're just messing around with the move options is a huge sticking point for me.
>Also give the signature genie moves to all three birds while we're at it: Cuno gets Chillwind, Dos gets Wildbolt, and Tres gets Sandsear (it already learns Scorching Sands so I'm going off that). Springtide Storm I guess can go to none of them or one of the GSC box legends (Ho-Oh maybe? And then also give that thing Revival Blessing finally....)