Hello there people, I bring you news, news of THE RIDE THAT WILL NEVER END.
http://pk-mn.com/n/pokemon-7-sedai-simple/Trans by:
TumblrKen Sugimori have give the first details of the next instalment of the Pokemon franchise (Gen 7). In recently interview for the Japanese Magazine,We Love Pokemon, Ken Sugimori state that in the next generation they will avoid adding new complex layers to the franchise, instead they want to return to their simpler roots used in Pokemon Red and Green (Blue international).
In the same interview Sugimori said that in each passing generation the numbers of Pokemon, Moves, Items and Skills (Abilities) have increased so much reaching a point is difficult to memories them all. And is also impossible to reduced the numbers of Pokemon that’s something players don’t like. However Sugimori believe fans of the franchise will have a simpler way to organize the information.
Furthermore, Sugimori said, along with the content of the game, we will also try to simplify the designs of the new Pokémon introduced in the next installment, perhaps returning to the first generation, basing them on animals or not so well known stylized.