Go Battle League Season 10:
>https://pokemongolive.com/post/gobattleleague-season10/?hl=enMain Things:
>Most things the same, though arguably worse encounters (Male Pyroar at rank 1 + Lysandre cosmetics, Nidoqueen now banned in GL Remix)>Holiday Cup starting December 16th - 31st (GL w/ normal, grass, electric, ice, flying, and ghost-types)>Sinnoh Cup January 10th - 24th (Sinnoh GL, includes crossgens and legendaries/mythicals)>Love Cup February 7th - 21st (GL with Pink/Red Pokemon)>Johto Cup February 21st - 28th (Johto GL)>Rock Tomb now guaranteed to lower opposing attack>Pound does 1 less damage in PvP (presumably because of Chansey)>Bug Buzz buffed from 90 to 100 power in PvP AND PvE (Volcarona is now adequate as a normal raid counter)>Donphan gets Body Slam, Noctowl gets Shadow Ball, Magcargo gets Incinerate and Rock Tomb, Octillery gets Lock-On (Finally!), Sudowoodo, Lairon, Aggron and Claydol get Rock Tomb