Quoted By:
>Change those names. Maybe something like Magma Ruby/Ocean Sapphire (Unoriginal, but whatevs).
>Vastly increase surfing speed (at least double).
>Make it a bit more biodiverse so we're not encountering the same pokemon every route (particularly the water routes).
>More postgame content. Maybe make it so that you can enter space and actually encounter Deoxys (Unlikely, but whatever).
>Expanded trick house.
>Expand a bit on the secret base stuff. More items, etc. And keep in the feature that allows you to battle a friend's team even when they aren't there.
>Pokemon that follow you outside of battle.
>More Flannery
>And a hard mode that you can access from the start that does a little more than just buff the levels (Diverse teams, better type coverage, AI that has an IQ that's higher than Regice's static temperature, etc.)