>>18479965Clair went down pretty much no trouble, Bofu nearly got taken out by a stray Dragon Pulse from her Salamence, but swapped him out and Bigun took her team out after that.
Got the Extremespeed Dragonair as my encounter for Dragon's Den, turns out it's Quiet Shed Skin but I can deal with that.
Went to Ecruteak and beat down the Kimono Sisters with my Choice Specs Porygon2, debating whether to evolve it into a Porygon-Z for extra firepower but pretty sure bulk and survivability are kinda necessary.
Caught a Bold Haunter up in the Bell Tower, but no item to evolve so going to be boxed for a while and I'm hoping to get something to trade for a Covenant Ore soon. Also took my first steps into Kanto on Route 27 and now about to challenge the first trainer.