Whiteouts: 42
yeah, i'm turning down to normal
great difficulty design
>spams full restores>moody rng>fucking retarded coverage on pokemon that will outspeed you no matter whatlove this, can't wait to play urmumium
i'm not letting this shit ruin this game
>>55136189yeah, this is fucking retarded and i'd rather do a fun and relaxing dualtype run than have to deal with autism
>>55136174oh anon, it's nowhere near as bad as that.
it's so much infinitely worse. you need to make around 7-8 correct 'decisions' throughout the course of the game to see the true ending. there is no guide, there is no indication what they are, if you fuck up one you won't see the true ending.if you want to beat the garchomp, an easier way to do it is to catch perish song prankster murkrow from the lapis ward
>>55136168neat, will have to get that