Oh neat, it's been awhile.
>>378474967/10, someone likes bulky hitters. You look like that "it just gets bigger" meme though, branch out a bit my dude.
>>37848405Why are you even here, then?
>>378487759/10, a lot of great choices in here, and some of my all-time favs in honorable mentions too.
>>37849138Gregnant? 9/10, I really want to take points off for so many box legends and starters but I can't when you picked the right ones.
>>378499926/10, I take back what I said about legends and starters from the last guy. Two regis? Really?
>>37850235I'm just going to flat out ignore gen 6 like you left it blank and give you 8/10 instead of the 3/10 you deserve.
>>378505948/10, glad to see the lip reduction surgery went well. You got a thing for edgy physical hitters and I can respect most of them.
>>378511404/10 for putting in no effort and having middling mediocre taste.