>>15192080>Galvantula suicide leadSorry, galvantula's tactics are seen a mile away and it is beaten by defog. Personally, I run defog Zapdos, and not once have i been in a situation where I needed to get sticky web off the field, but couldnt. Against a good spinner, too it will fail. Who on your team needs sticky web support anyways? Scizor, talonflame, noivern are already fast or priority spammers.
>LandorusIF youre going to run a landorus stealth rock, physical attacker, why not run therian? LAndorus-I really only has its abilities over landorus-therian, which its not taking advantage of without any sand on your team. At the very least run Sheer force Earthpower.
>ScizorDont see any point in u-turn on a swords dance set that's lacking lefties, run bug bite, or thief for coverage. ROost can keep you alive but that bug + steel attacking combo is pretty bad
>Rotom-WExcellent pokemon, but what the hell is the point of shadow ball here? IT gains no STAB and a SE hit is weaker than a neutral hydro pump. Trick specs busts stall wide open, run that.
>NOivernConsidering you lack any defog, rapid spin, or any kind of decent hazard mitigation its going to die fast. Firstly, take off the life orb. NOivern is weak as shit but can at least taunt, and u-turn spam, letting it die to hazards and life orb recoil is dumb.
I would really not bother at all with noivern or galvantula. NOivern wil be good in lower tiers, but not OU, sorry.