We managed to beat Roxanne deathless! Didn't get a screengrab but a few mons were in the yellow. The AI is smarter in this hack, like switching Lileep in on my Water moves. She didn't have anything too crazy but some highlights are Chople Berry Amaura (which got folded by Double Kick anyway) and Red Card Tyrunt which I was lucky enough to dodge a hit from. That could've gotten a dirty kill for sure. Fire Punch Nosepass also surprisingly 2HKO'd Grovyle.
Also you can farm Cut trees for crazy items like weakness reduction berries and such. This game's got some wild stuff. If I'm gonna get this many resources it might be worth playing the harder modes, even if it's tedious.
>>54545423>>54545741It's up to you. I would personally include all hall of famers including dead mons but part of the fun of Electrode is exploding it.