>>14087322>>14087322>>14087322FYI that's for thunder.
>>14087894Even with thundebolt it's a instant OHKO for most if not all mons
Alright, everybody, please read this entire thing. I tried to resolve this logically, without bias. The impression I got from everybody is this:
>The original concept for the pawter line was to use agility with soak and thunder/thunderbolt>Giving the line drizzle amps up the effectiveness of the line beyond the original intent,possibly into a OHKO machine if it can set up for one turn>There were incorrect facts on the wiki for the line during the surveyTherefore, in my, unbiased (I don't like pawter or baboom) opinion, I say we make a survey, asking if the issue should be resurveyed. What really matters is that the moveset/abilities it gets are the best ones it can be for the game. If that's not what it was intended to have, then so be it. but that's preferable We, as a project, need to decide what is most important here: General consensus, or the game being as good as it can be. I have no opinion in this matter other than I want it to be resolved.
The bottom line is that the line cannot have soak, or cannot have drizzle, or can't have access to high damage electric moves, such as thunder and thunderbolt (we did the math for both) Seeing as how drizzle was the only one not intended to be there from the start, that is obviously the one that should go, but you all voted it in just now.
Given this information, would your opinions change, and if it were resurveyed, would you vote differently? Do you even want it to be resurveyed?