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I feel like the Serena hype has largely died down now. As much as I like the fact the kiss happened, the mere face that we may not see her again puts a damper on it. And if she does show up, I'm worried they might just ignore/overlook the kiss. Ash in the current series is still not XY Ash, so I don't know how they'll handle it.
I mean let's face, we all liked XY/Serena under the assumption it would be Ash's final saga and the show would end there. But now that we're two gens later that "impact" is gone because well...the show went on as usual. And now that we know Ash will just be re-tooled every gen, it's just not that interesting anymore. I was a pretty big Amourshipper when XY was airing and even into SM, but I kinda lost all interest in it now.