>>28872350>The NameTahuan region.
>Based On what real placeBased on Tahuantinsuyo - Western South America: Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Mountainous, more or less like Sinnoh, without the snow.
>Local Villain Team(s)A conglomerate of local teams based on FARC, Sendero Luminoso and FPMR, formerly opposed but now united because their goals are similar.
They're pretty similar to Team Flare in its endgame, but with much less aesthetics. They seek to destroy everything related to the Pokemon league, because they think they're creating an unfair system where the ones with the most powerful Pokemon rule over the rest. They worship a Che Guevara/Karen style of figure.
Most common Pokemon are Scyther (sickle), Corphish and Kingler (crabhammer)
>Gyms/trials/the league members, etc. (whatever you feel like)Gym leaders as usual. Using their influence, they also hold de-facto politic power for their respective cities.
The way you receive your starters and Pokedex are different to the traditional.
>The general themeHow politics change with the times. How a certain political stance may be needed today but despised tomorrow. In the game you must decide which path to take in a Shin Megami Tensei fashion: Status quo, Revolution, Neither or Civil War. Decisions for each will vary depending on certain conversations with key characters. You might decide to ignore both league and villains completely and go for your Pokedex; support any of both faction, and even backstabbing them if you're in the middle of something with the other.
>Ideas you might have for starters or other pokemon in the region- Grass starter is based on the floripondio or the coca leaf. Its final form is Grass/Psychic
- Fire starter is based on the alpaca. Its final form is Fire/Rock
- I don't have any ideas for the water starter.
Local bird is a condor. Its final form is Flying/Ice.
Cover legendaries are Inti and Pachamama. Fire and Ground types respectively.