To get us ready for the arrival of Pokebank, I took it upon myself to go get every single event Pokemon, and make it a .pkm file
Today, I present every single English Gen IV Event mon, painstakingly converted into Gen V's format: all have perfect IVs, and for ones who's natures were randomized, hopefully perfect natures. Feel free to change them however in Pokegen
How to Use
There is a few ways to use these, but the most easy one is;
1) Go to Change your DNS settings on your DS/DSi
3) Upload file
4) Go to GTS, and receive your event Pokemon
This is the only fake GTS distro that does not edit any uploaded Pokemon, either by putting in a ribbon, changing an OT, or anything. They do however do that to ones you create on their site.
I'll be working on Gen IV JPN events soon, then on to Gen V events. I may also do Gen III and Colo/XD if requested.