>>12754471>fast forward several months>everyone’s been playing X & Y, figured that the stunt with Gamefreak was to try and show that Nintendo were hardcore>No one’s bothered to catch a Reggeon>No known method of evolving from standard Eevee> less than 0.0000000001% catch rate> someone finally hacks in a Reggeon into their team, just to see what the thing bloody does> Only knows one move; “Devour”> instant OHKO> Pokemon cannot be revived> If a Pokemon does “faint” due to Devour, when you view the sprite image in your team the screen is much darker and the pokemon's eyes are completely gone> no expression> Suddenly Reggeon is OP as fuck>Everyone who can hacks one in> all gyms beaten> all elite 4 > champion beaten> all legendaries>rival, final team, everyone>but once Reggeon has "consumed" 999 pokemon>he begins to evolve>message isn't the usual "REGGEON is evolving!" B.S>all it says is "oh... no...">reggeon evolves>again, unique message>"what... what have you done">final evolution>no Pokedex number, only says “…” in the slot where the Dex number should be> "Reggeness"> Base stats are all set to max, 350 EV's added to all> sprite image depicts a bloodied huge reptile-like creature covered in eyeballs> looks to be from the paleozoic era…That. Fucking. Loch Ness Monster.