>Item Bag Capacity:700
>Pokemon Storage Capacity:350
>How many coins per day on average?100
>Do you have a Snorlax, Lapras, Dragonite?Yes, two of each
>Do you spoof?I only play with spoof now
>Do you snipe gyms?No, fuck that noise
>How many kms have your character walked?200? I'm not sure
>What line up do you bring on a level 10 gym with varied pokemons (Snorlaxes, Laprases, Treemans, Dragonites, etc)?Vaporeon, Victreebel, Arcanine, Clefable, Parasect, Jolteon, Charizard
>Which pokemons are currently in a gym and how long have they been there?Mainly Arcanines, I've had a Treeman in a gym at a remote intersection's sign for a month or more now
>Worse bug?Gym lockout
>Bug that you want to be fixed?App crashing when you press buttons too fast while using items