Quoted By:
>fight a friend
>decide to test out team in the works, pre Pokebank
>choose only 4 Pokemon because I keep thinking I picked Flat Battles
>Malamar, no Contrary, no Ability Capsule
>Gardevoir, not fully trained yet
>Aegislash, good for nothing but easily baited King Slash
>Gengar, only fighting chance
>Friend has Blaziken, Greninja, Venusaur, Aegislash, Auroros, Yveltal
>Friend uses Megaken, good natures and stats on Venusaur and Auroros
>Easily outmatched
>Never baits King's Shield
>Ruin Venusaur, Megaken, Greninja, and Yveltal with Megavoir
>Toxic/Venoshock the shit out of Auroros
>Baited the shit out of his Aegislash with Malamar and spamed Hypnosis
I don't even play Pokemon super competitively and this shit was way too easy.