Quoted By:
Jesus christ this was bad, and this makes me really worry about the actual game.
>SUPER friendly rival who thinks you're the coolest thing since sliced bread just because you're a foreigner from oversees, yeah teach kids that foriegners are okay for your kids, see where that gets them mom and dad.
>All this happy fun time dialogue with no conflict or realism/negativity or banter whatsoever
>shitty photo minigame to pad out gameplay
>Fucking HAKUMO-O comes SPRINTING at the MC with a thirst for blood, and this kid just stands there smiling like a dumbass with glassy eyes. Which means NO form of emotion or facial animation whatsoever for MC
>Everything about Greninja and its friendship is magic ability is easy mode
>Gives you a fucking pikachu just because AND its fucking Z-move stone AND makes you use it. .
>Literally handholds you in a fucking pokemon center
>Team skull make stupid 4kids dub tier bone puns and aren't even remotely competent, and not even enjoyably goofy.
>Plumeria had A FUCKING GOLBAT and NOTHING else
These are all bad signs. This game isn't just going to be boring, it's going to be filled with idiot mindnumbing tutorials that make everyone feel like babies, dumbed down characters with no ill intent, and buddy buddy rivals who will gladly get cucked if it means you make it to the league
>But its for kids
Last I checked Kids aren't babies. Babying children is far worse then letting them learn this shit themselves. and they've got it easy compared to us. RBY was simple enough for us to understand, Kids in fucking 2016 should have no problem tapping colorful buttons and LEARNING from their fucking mistakes
Seriously. Fuck Nintendo and their babying.