Pokedex Completion
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad) No.17892615 View ViewReport Quoted By:
So yah I'm only 3 event mons short of completing my pokedex (Jirachi, Genesect, and Shaymin). So I'm obviously looking to trade for those 3, I don't care if they are hacked, cloned or what have you I'm just after them. What little I have to offer for them are Shiny Charizard, Geodude, Crobat, Linoone, Duskull, Seviper, and two shinys everyone already has in Gabite, and Haxorus. For normal legendaries I can offer I have Regirock, Heatran, Latias, Uxie and Mewtwo. Too sweeten the deal I'll equip the pokemon you want for the event legendary with any item that can be bought with BP. So any takers?