I learned something today.
You can't do Rotation Battles without 3 pokemon. And by that I mean you can, but the game will literally commit seppuku if you try to rotate. So in vanilla B/W the twins right after Striaton don't let you fight if you only have 1 pokemon and some people get around this by temporarily unboxing a dead pokemon for one battle and boxing it afterward. Some people say that if you only have 1 or 2 pokemon at a certain point you should just forfeit but I disagree.
Oh yeah, and everything died except Emboar. I'm feeling nostalgic for FRO right now.
>>43191827I don't think so. This run's been one big shitshow. It's cool that you're using Jigglypuff, hope it scars some kids for life.
Also there was a Candywoman? What?
>>43192034You already have a E4-worthy team IMO. Good luck.