I couldn't post this on the last thread, it's an update of one i made long ago, please rate me!
>>21798381>9/10Strong team, and a boat! I would join you for adventure on the sea.
>>21798506>Errr/10Nice team but im not so sure about that goal
>>21802387>QT Latias/10Love your theme, clothing and pokemon! I'd travel with you for a while. Also lovely accesory.
You have a lot of Pokémon! Also, nice goal there!
>>21803088>8/10I like your clothing and how you look to be well prepared. Would join you for fishing.
>>21804380>9/10I love your drawing and goal, your team is also really cool! I would join you for adventure within caves and on the mountains.
>>21805021>8/10Nice team and style