Why are you DSfags like this? What, do you want people to say "UH WE'D GET NO KANTO PANDERING AND THE FRANCHISE WOULD BE THE BEST EVER." That's not how reality works. Have you been paying attention? Every single franchise is going to shit and the reality of the situation is that even if your favorite game from your childhood outsold Red and Blue nothing would change. The games would still be unfinished and people like you would still buy them.
>>42075274>>42075309>>42075325>>42075288Gen V is hardly different to any other Pokemon game before it outside of a bunch of gimmicks and minimal changes to streamline the gameplay. It was never anything revolutionary, as a matter of fact it was just the same fucking game we've got SINCE Red and Blue but it's just more linear and has more cutscenes than a nu-Sony game. You guys are even worse than the Hoennbabies and that's saying something because even Genwunners find them unbearable.
>inb4 m-muh hoennbaby!!!!