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Has PoGo ever made you cry /pgg/?
Some backstory:
>6 year old me
>Mother was a schizo, father tried his best to care for her
>on her good days she was normal, good days were rare
>really poor but all of my friends are getting pokemon R/B
>tell mom I really want it
>we can't afford it
>made my own pokeball out of a baseball and would ride my bike around pretending to catch pokemon, she would come with me and cheer me on
>on my 7th birthday my mother gives me a gameboy and pokemon red
>She killed herself later that night
>pokemon became my only escape from the crippling depression
>Every monday I work in the city
>beautiful day so take the 6 mile ride on my bicycle
>Philly is looking extra wonderful today
>great day at work
>get out at 12, start biking around the city hitting stops, stocking up on balls and revives
>check city map, powerful snorlax by city hall
>start GUNNING IT to city hall
>get there in time, after multiple ultra balls and berries I get him
>sit down on a bench, overjoyed, open bag to get some water
>see my gameboy with my pokemon red
>realize I'm living the life I always wanted to live
>realize all of those nights of suffering led up to this, to me being successful, happy and healthy
>realize how much she would have loved Pogo
I sat on that bench and sobbed for a good 10 minutes, but in a happy way. I wish she was here to play with me and see how far I've come from poverty. I love you mom