>>11883671http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR8_BMN68OkNibbles the Broken-Down Animatronic Snowman Buddy smiles as he sees you come back from his three-dimensional pentagon, "O-Oh! You're back alraawdy?! Interoosting! I tout for shore that you'd took loonger 'dan 'dat..."
Nibbles pauses to imitate hearing speech from someone.
"Wot? Wot's that you say it took you a FOOL WEAK over FOR THREADEROONIS to make throo all 'dah segments? Ha ha ha hoo hoo!~ I mawst be getting old in my old age."
Nibbles tosses the book he's reading into the fireplace so that it'll last longer, "Okay well, so I'm so glod dot we all managed to goose the theme correctly!"
Nibbles pauses again, that someone is talking to him again, in his run-down robo mind.
"Wot? Wot's that you say you DIDN'T find out the theme? HAHAHA HOO HOO!~ Well okay then, how's aboot I gave you a few glabooboos to thank aboot 'dah theme? Paws your intranet connection now and start thinking!"
Nibbles jumps up out of his chair and makes a funky pose as the story takes a momentary pause.