Firstly, sorry this has taken so long to get back to. As you can see, we went a little over the cap on votes but I included the extra six. They didn't effect the results of the graphs. Plenty of double votes this time around which was fun. Coming from both an anti and pro culling stance as well so you basically would have cancelled each other out (had your votes not been deleted).
Just a brief new survey to clarify a few points and get some final input from everyone. There should be at least one more before the first probation survey begins so if you have anything you feel needs to be addressed, comment away.
Summary of what was decided:
>Percentage of votes required for a Pokemon to be placed on probationBetween 56 and 58. See the new survey to vote.
>Length of time on probation before being removed from the dexThree weeks.
>Limit based on lines or individual PokemonLines
>How many?Three lines at a time
>When something leaves probation?We hold a new survey to fill the slots as they appear.
Comments to follow.
Keep the link bumped, hoping to turn this one over fairly quickly