Got done with the Team Galactic story, wasnt much of a problem only thing was that I had to leave Holiday in the box for Pelipper (Needing surf to access Mt. Coronet is fucking dumb)
Wasn't too hard, the Saturn/Mars double battle almost killed Dolly but other than that it was fine. Grace basically solo'd Cyrus aside from Houndoom and Weavile (both handled by Dolly)
Then I after scrounging up the Earth Plate and Earthquake tm, I proceeded to take my revenge on Volkner AKA mr. starter killer by barreling though his entire team with Dolly. Only Luxray did not go down in one hit.
Now up for HM-Road. Again, Holiday got boxed for this. Got Gastrodon with me as HM-slave and I'm feeling good
>>40231936>Why does Murkrow hit so hardCause they didnt bother weakening pokemon that get evolutions in later gens.