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Finally had time to play again. Made it to Goldenrod and have been making my way around the city and nearby routes.
>Caught a Heracross from a headbutt tree in Azalea town
>Didn't catch anything in Ilex forest because all I found were in the Weedle line
>Lost my free psychic type in route 34 by encoutnering a Ditto instead
>Caught Venonat in Bug Catching contest, my second encounter was Pinsir
>Decided to grind a bit against high exp value bugs in the contest, turns out Scyther have enough speed to prevent Gastly to escape, and know pursuit
Well, rip Tower. Not sure who I'm gonna replace him with. Thinking about Venonat because it had a pretty good movepool, and Tinted Lense is a pretty good ability. Would give me a major weakness against Flying though, without any real counters. Nidoran is really useful too, but I've already used the Nidoran lines quite often.