Quoted By:
>your age and native language or country
27, American
>your first game and the last game you played
Gold/Silver, Shield
>which 3 games you consider teh best
Platinum, BW, BW2
>which 3 games you consider the worst
DP, SwSh, Dash
>your top 3 favorite pokémon
Glalie, Golurk, Magneton
>your 3 most disliked pokémon
Aromatisse, Chewtle, Duraldon
>your favorite spinoff media
Everything Mystery Dungeon related
Card game is pretty dope, too.
>your opinion on Digimon
Been a fan from the start. First 4 anime seasons are great, still enjoy watching it. Designs are always solid, and now I'm just wondering WHERE THE HELL IS SURVIVE
>do you fap to pokemon, trainers, or both
Both. Only adult trainers though, and generally only anthro Pokemon. My tastes are specific and generally even these are restrained to my kinks.