>>22251646Do what makes you happy but be warned if not kept under control poke plush collecting can be very disastrous.
>Acquired my first job>Now learns about the joys of a disposable income.>Decide to treat my self and purchase a Helioptile plush.>It warms the cold pit of my empty heart.>A couple weeks later decides to get the Tomy Sylveon plush.>Christmas soon comes around.>Buys my nephew a pokecenter Greninja and Umbreon>May aswell get a Delphox and Vaporeon for me.>OCD drives me to later buy all the other Eevelutions. Also Xerneas.>Discovers Sunnyshore Pokemart.>Buys a Mega Sceptile, Plusle, Sableye, Rayquaza, and Shiny Metagross.>Later Decides to get Groudon and Kyogre.>Finds a Dialga plush on Amazon. You should know the rest by now.
And don't get me started on those damn figures. I already have over 20 of those with two more coming in the mail.