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I'm talking complete removal like sacred ash. I'm not trolling. I genuinely believe this:
>most popular item since gen 2
Its not even close if you count all games. If you count just modern games you can look at smogon and find 2 per team. Vgc always has 1 per team because item clause
>already has mimic items
Pokemon already has black sludge and sitrus berry. I like leftovers being type specific and not just genericly thrown on every mon
>no drawback, no setup
Items have never been banned except gems, but they were banned because they were basically just z moves and game freak didn't want to compete with its new mechanic.
With abilities, typically its broken if it uses a move i.e. intimidate, sandstream, attack boosts, levitate.
With items the same standard should apply except more wide reaching because items can be held by any pokemon. They've had to change abilities on pokemon like gengar because they were too good. They had to not give chandelure its hidden ability because it too good. They had to nerf arena trap, all weather abilities, shadow tag and talonflames ability because they were too good.
Leftovers replaces moves like recover, sometimes being better because you don't waste a turn for no cost.
>nerfs stall
Nerfing this and regenerator ends stalls and endless switching careers. Just ban heavy duty boots and you have fun pokemon again
I think so, along with charizard buffs.
Pls discuss