>We enter Hypelion City, full of amateur musicians and ghetto skrubs>Also contains the Sound-type Gym (countered by electric and dragon type pokemon)>Before we can challenge the gym, we get railroaded into a concert, and the pre-concert banquet had sweets which weren't planned to be there>Surprising no one who was around for the Rejuvenation playthrough, the buffet was sabotaged>Although I'm pretty sure it was the crappy music that made people vomit during the concert>After beating the shit out of a d*namax Slurpuff-X, we challenge the Sound gym>I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT>It was a pushover, thanks to Aggron's game-breaking combination of STAB recoilless Head Smash, useful resistances (for this gym, anyways), and insane speed>After meeting Alice, she challenges us to a battle, remembers I have an aggron, and then has to do something else because Muh Plot>We then go through the airport, then through a wild encounter-flooded jungle, and meet a kid with an overleveled starter.Whiteout counter: 3
Badges: 6
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 3
Good guys escape somehow: 1
Bad guys escape somehow: 1
Thefts: 1
A character somehow has a legendary: 1
Absols: 2
Acts of animal abuse: 1
Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Xenoverse, an italian fangame that's actually finished (when it comes to everything but the level curve)>Decisions & catches are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them - dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can cause permanent rulesGET rules:
>Aggron is a mandatory party member