>>48067815>The worst decision in pokemon history was the decision to remake Red and Blue after only the third generation.No, it wasn't. The worst decision in Pokemon history was to switch to 3D models after Generation 6 for mainline entries when they weren't ready to do so and could have kept refining their pixel art.
FRLG are great games, that have been a significant boon to the community in more ways than one. Back when they first released they enabled players to get a swath of Pokemon they otherwise would have been unable to get, and overall, they have a better campaign than RSE. They're fun as fuck and the only depiction of Kanto that outpaces them is LGPE, which has a richer campaign and is only bogged down by mechanical decisions like the absence of Wild Battles and Gym prerequisites.
>It split work between two games now, The remake and the new gen. Leading to eventually putting out shit versions of both (ORAS and XY)This is not the fault of FRLG. Platinum and HGSS were both really good. Mind you, HGSS came out after they finished refining the main generation's engine, which then underwent further changes for HGSS. Generation 4 was solid gold from top to bottom.
They could have and probably should have done the same thing with XY and ORAS, but they didn't for some weird reason. Presumably because of supervisor mandates, but it's also possible they didn't like XY/Kalos and just didn't want to refine it or take the time to change it into something that they did like. And that's on them, not FRLG.
>really we never recovered from the mistake that was FRLG.It was Gen 6 dude. Your vitriol is severely missplaced. Stop being so contrary.