Here's the template. Meditite has Pure Power so I thought about it but I'm already doubling up on Fighting types. That made me really weak to Psychic/Flying so I'm glad Bronzor can kinda deal with those. The only big weakness I can see is Ghost which is great because we're facing Fantina next. Here's hoping to another Stunky or something to deal with that or I'll be in trouble.
Electrode has been surprisingly helpful. It actually 1v1'd Skuntank after getting a Charge Beam boost which was impressive. I was thinking about replacing it eventually but maybe I won't now. I'm also disappointed that Drayano didn't make the Togepi egg optional but based on my rules I can still get a catch from Eterna which will probably be a fishing catch.
>>37312119I assume you didn't check out the surf routes and the P2 Laboratory? You could use those to get extra catches like a Jellicent which pretty much walls him. I think Garbodor can also 1v1 him if you're not Weak Armor.
Other than that I think your team is fine? Cool to see someone bring Vanilluxe far, is it any good?
>>37312669Congrats! If anything it might've been smarter to spread that cheese out a little but that just makes other runs more fun.
>>37312832I know there's a group that stream on>>37312890>>37312910Jesus christ what kind of crazy hack is this?
I think you definitely use Scizor which is going to be amazing in this fight. Shiftry seems really nice too since you can use Fake Out to basically get a free turn and also have the obvious Dark > Psychic advantage.
If you really don't want to box anyone though I think I might actually take Shiftry over Scizor. Fake Out is the most popular move (after Protect) in doubles for a reason. I like Shiftry + Claydol or Shiftry + Scizor.
Also, teach things Protect. They're only really useful for doubles but it comes in clutch if you predict who the opponent wants to hit.