>>18417930> Used to play arcade a lot> Usually challenged back someone who swept a newcomer> There's this guy who did just that in MVC2 (Cable/Wolverine/Cyclops)> I inserted coin (Sentinel/Dr Doom/Black Heart)> Every time my combo linked and took down a character, I could hear him yelling (It's a cabinet that's linked back-to-back, see)> He won, after 20 loss streaks> I went "Welp" and went for other game.> When I was looking around, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, it's that buzzer.> "You dumbfuck! You so chicken you have to run away! You dumbfucking coward!"> He then left me alone. I shrugged.I'm all about sportsmanship, but if someone told you to let someone win, you should have done so.