Defeated Tate and Liza. I got lucky though, Xatu literally used nothing else but Calm Mind. If it had used Confuse Ray I would have lost probably. Due to Demon Days' Sassy nature it didn't outspeed Claydol so both my mons were at low health mons were at low health after it EQ'd. It died right after though. Because Xatu didn't use Sunny Day i could pivot Shy-Town into a Solar Beam, and then send Pirate Jet back into a psychic while Demon Days took out Solrock during that time. Only after Solrock died did Xatu use Confuse Ray on Pirate Jet but by that point they couldn't hurt me because all they have is Psychic. So a double attack on Xatu and Lunatone respectively handed me the badge. Crobats contribution begins and ends with switching into hits. I'll probably trade it for Ludicolo now. Need that Grass/Water typing for the next gym.
>>48415124At least it took until now to activate that clause. Surprising Brawly gives you that trouble since he's arguably the easiest gym in Hoenn.
>>48415211Your team is based as fuck. Good luck man. No starter though?
>>48413593>Norman without Protect cheese and losing a monFucking Hell, Jimbo. Your luck HAS turned.