>>19482324https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ppkvXzTeM"I-I'm on always on the move and can never get a stable Wi-Fi connection! It's not my fault!"
Dio cranes his head, "Sounds like a bunch of pity excuses to me. How can you call yourself a Pokemon Master ,let alone a Pokemon TRAINER if you can't even get your ass in check and master /all/ kinds of battle styles? I bet you don't even know what a Triple Battle is."
"...Is it a kind of sandwich?"
"Figures. You're as clueless as ever when it comes to the basics, I guess that's why Protect in Doubles seems like a such a 'sooooo straaaange and unfaaaair' strategy to you. You really should read up on the books before some big shot challenges you to a Rotation Battle--do you know what /that/ is? Can you say 'rotation'? RO-TAY-SHUN?"
A) "I'm not mad because it's strange, I'm mad because it's cheap!"
B) "....Rotayshun? Is that a new Pokemon?"
C) "HEY! I've been on this journey for like....EVER, I can't remember ever single detail! M-Maybe I had a Triple Rotation Whatever and I just forgot about it!"
D) "A true Pokemon Master only focuses on Singles!"