Grinding is over and we're about to rematch the E4. Alphonse came back to us, but sadly he doesn't have Sand Stream as his ability. Knowing that he won't die to RNG bullshit makes me feel somewhat better, though.
Not gonna lie, i'm hella scared, specially of Bruno. Send me your strenght anons.
>>43599112Even if it is not very Nuzlocke friendly, this kind of strategy sounds on par with the image an experimented trainer worthy of the tittle "Gym Leader" Would give, imo, not just entering, oneshotting everything and going out with a badge. Also, (and I'm not trying to be disrespectful here) I think you should spoiler that info, in case someone wants to try the same hack.
>>43602244Congratulations on your victory, Anon, poor Raphael didn't see any action.