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Beat the first 2 gyms in my NAP (Non-Aggression Principle) run of Alpha Sapphire. Roxanne was piss easy, but Brawly was pretty tricky to PP stall between Machop knowing Seismic Toss, Makuhita knowing Knock Off, and both mons knowing Bulk Up.
>Yawn his Machop
>switch to Nincada and max accuracy drops with sand attack
>Ralts spams growls to counter the attack increases from bulk ups until it dies
>keep switching between Zubat and Slakoth to bait out the Seismic Tosses on to Slakoth who can heal up with Slack Off if they hit
>Stall until it’s forced to use the last of its bulk ups again and switch back to Nincada who maxes out defense with harden and facetanks the max attack struggles until both Pokémon faint on the same turn
>Repeat same process of Yawning and then max accuracy dropping his next mon except this time with my Makuhita
>Bring out Dustox who just learned Moonlight from level up, and use Harden until there 6/30 PP left and use a couple moonlights to soak up most of his attacking moves PP
>Use Zubat with its held item to bait out the last of its Knock Offs on to Slakoth who would Encore and heal up if they hit
>Stall out the rest of his PP with switches until he’s forced to use the last of his Bulk ups
>Bring back Dustox once there’s exactly 4 bulk ups left and max out defense with harden and heal with moonlight to tank the struggles until his Makuhita kills itself
I wish I could say I planned it perfectly, but I didn’t actually expect Ralts to die so quickly, and that was my only mon who could lower the attack stage increases, so using Dustox and Nincada’s Hardens to soak up the struggle damage was something I only came up with on the fly.