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Some of you may feel that /vp/ has gotten to where it can be hard to enjoy. Constant deletions of posts and threads that DO NOT violate the rules by our janitors, as well as false bans by the site moderators have led it to this. There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop this corruption and censorship, as the issue goes all the way to the top and throughout 4chan.
Why do we just accept the fact that the moderation allows only what they please? Because we have no other place to go. /vp/ at the core is a great place, being a central hub for all pokemon information to come in and out. But the moderation keeps making some things hard to enjoy. At times I feel sick and tired of it here. I know a lot of you are too. There’s been complaining for months and months.
So how do we fix the problem? We NEED AN ALTERNATIVE SANCTUARY TO CONTINUE WHAT IS UNFAIRLY BANNED. I created the board /pk/ on 8.chan. Any mentioning of the site results in automatic deletion of the post. The moderation must have a reason to take advertising it so seriously, right? 8.chan is becoming the largest refuge site for those who are tired of 4chan's censorship.
Some of you may see this as a joke, or just not give a shit about how /vp/ is ran. That's all fine, you can stay. But for us who are tired of unjustifiable censorship, we can go to /pk/ for total freedom. I guarantee that I will not allow any censorship and corruption there. I will advertise with my VPN here on /vp/ as much as possible, to make sure people know there is an alternative if they want out. I’ll keep ban evading and evading the filter. I encourage anyone else with a VPN to help advertise to make sure everyone at least knows they have a Sanctuary from /vp/'s bullshit. With enough advertising, it can be done. I know we're all still gonna browse /vp/ as long as there's at least something good here. We just want it known that you have a place to concurrently browse to continue things you like if they're being censored.