>>46930593>>trying to solve non existent problems with stupdi[sic] ideasJesus fuck I hate this line of thinking so much. It's not a non-existent problem, the issue is that Rose is a retard with no-one checking his ambition. It's a plan could have worked over the course of a few years but Rose was adamant it needed to be done immediately, and who stepped up to urge him to revise his plans to be more practical? Not Oleana, who opted to instead keep him rushing down the path. Not Leon, who agreed to help but only if it didn't interrupt the Pokemon League.
But then again, Rose in SwSh is portrayed about as flatly if not flatter than any Pokemon antagonist ever has. Even Lysandre had better in-game characterization than Rose. And therein lies the issue. Rose gets actual characterization and depth in the anime, but not in the game. We didn't get to see the anime version of Rose for a year.
Rose isn't a bad character, he's just badly done. If anything, you should be complaining about how we got three environmentalist villains in a row.