You and Betty approach the tent, and hear muffled voice coming from inside. You take a peek inside.
"Yeah, I'm telling ya! They're making final preparations for the machine, you guys better make a full attack very soon. No! There's no time!"
You find a Sentret talking to an iPad. You and Betty sneak into the tent to get a better look. You manage to identify a Pidgey on the iPad. Wearing a bandana.
"15 mins? Alright alright, I'll go get ready".
After ending his FaceTime session, the Sentret gets the scare of his life after turning around and spotting you.
"Oh shit, it's you guys. Uh, uh.... Alright listen, I work for the Birds. I'm not going to go into details, but what the First-Rodents are going to do with the Apricorn will result in mass destruction that they are not aware of. You HAVE to help us gain possession of the Apricorn. Only the Birds truly understand the capability and powers of the Apricorn."
>What do you do?A) Agree to help
B) Rat him out